Monday, March 31, 2014

Take Time For The Kiddos...

 One day each week...I get the opportunity to teach my Grands.  While their education is Very important...Play time is equally...necessary!  Ya-hoo cowgirl come on out!

 We are learning time-s twice!  Multiplication and....the clock!
That is some clock that I drew...Impressed?

 When we have time...after hitting the books...we have arts and craft time.   These  little dolls took several weeks to...finish.  The girls put their
 dolls up on this limb.  They want them to learn hang on..
Now how do you like that...I guess they learned to fly....and took their picture with them...WHY does this happen? arggggg

Loyal Companion fills in the void when the Grands are gone.  He does not have a home-made doll to play with ...but he has...a little "cow-chip". ( I'm not sure if he is going to play with it...or chew it..ewww )!

I am still learning...patience and maybe a little self control. ( Really having trouble with the self-control.  I'm glad that you could not hear what I really said...when the picture..disappeared.)
May your week be filled with "blessings"!
From the pasture...where we are all learning...something...Blessings!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Just A Walk In The.....Pasture

 An early morning walk in the...creek.  
One of the girl cows..was missing from the herd this ...I went on a little jot to...find her.  She is due to calve..any-day!  Maybe!
Why walk in the creek? was there..Because..I'm still a kid at heart!

 Ahh...My Dad grafted this blueberry onto this wild fruit tree. (can't remember the name of it)...a very long time ago.
I check it every spring...and this spring it is..smaller.  It will yield a small handful of delicious-ness. 

 If you have never smelled wild must.  It is..heavenly.

While I do not know what kind of little tree this is ( can't remember this one either )...the flower is awesome.  The not.
I only see these growing in the wild...and I know why..

 Some Bluebonnet sweetness!

 After looking for an hour...I headed back to our pasture home....
I did not find what I was looking for....I hope I did not miss her..Na.surely not..
I will look later in the day...and I'll leave at home..maybe..

 I have a surplus again....
Once the girl chicks start laying eggs...they work hard to...please!

It is late in the day and...look what I see.....
Can you see the tiny little black dot?
It's a great day!
From the pasture ...where life is being renewed...

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Dust ..And Other Stuff..

 With all of the spring weather that we are having.....I thought I would do a little spring decorating...
I love this little Moma bunny and her baby.  It was a wedding many moons ago.
I noticed a little "dust bunny" on the Moma bunnies head.....Oh dear...
Maybe some "spring cleaning" is in order...

 Wild the making!  Ahh this pasture is...a wonderful place to live!

 This would be a lost...cow ear ring!  We do not brand per say anymore...we tag their ears with a number.
While most of our cows are not in vogue at the present time...We hope to fancy them the near future!
The girl cows have had many a conversation about ...ear rings!  Some are all for them...some despise them..
What to do with disgruntled girl cows!

 The  girls and their babes are having a little late afternoon snack!

 Have you been waiting?  Well ..leaves haven't completely formed...but it's getting there!
In the next couple of days...this girl should be in full...leaf!

Sweetheart and I had an awesome Sunday...worshiping our Savior! 
We have our trials...but the journey is so worth the prize!
May you find peace and joy on your...journey.
From the pasture..many blessings to you!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Go Green..

 Little Loyal has cow horns buried all around our pasture home....I observed him as he un-earthed this one.  He has a "death grip" on his little prize!  My little guy really wants to be a "cow-dog"!

 Not exactly a banner day for my egg supply....The girl chicks must have stayed up late enjoying  the "full Moon" last night.....

 Mr. He~man of the girl chicks..Does he look sleepy to you?

 Move over art stuff...the Grands want to do their school work today!

 A little baking is very....educational .....( and filling! )

 Moon and Star cut outs...of course!

 A little time in the oven..and viola!  They are still green...just not in the picture!...
Moon and Star Cookies....disappear!

Wait for it.................
I'll keep and eye on this beloved Sweet Gum as she grows...leaves!
I can just tell that it's a she tree....

From the pasture....

Sunday, March 16, 2014

What To Do On A Rainy Day....

 What started out as a beautiful day....(a day or two ago) turned  to....rain.  My mind wondered...I could work on a painting project...but no...not in the mood. I'll play....with the camera...

OK...dust gatherers that I have loved for...too for the camera.  They were a tad bit excited and the big plus...they received a good dusting just for their picture!  Next...

 Big Teddy that sits in rocker keeping guard over all the softies.  She looks grumpy...but she really isn't..    She inherited this look from her...Moma!  She holds her new poof wand...something acquired from the..."wedding".

 I'm still not feeling....creative enough to paint..So..I'll just take a picture of....the paint!

 A house plant that longs to outdoor plant.  It probably would get more....water if it was.
But it blooms despite it's thirst!

 A little rain brought up the little yellow flowers....( I know they are weeds...but they are ..pretty! )

And with that.....Poof ...I'm out of here!

From the pasture...where spring is lurking somewhere out there....
Allow Jesus to bless your life ..this week...Blessings!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


 And was finally time to prepare for the pasture wedding that would be held in Plano ..instead.
Flowers that would need to be arranged...and then moved began to arrive.  Where to put so many flowers?....Sisters lovely home...of course. the smell of.....roses.  So many amazing roses!

 Flowers were stashed everywhere.  Watch your step...while you breath...deep!

 Hmm....looking pretty good....if I have to say so..

 Chalk boards...they are all the rage!  Our niece had several made...for her special day!

The smell from this bouquet heavenly....Multiply this one by twelve! 

An awesome swag...made by one very talented lady!  
The vows would be repeated standing here.

Love was in the air!  
Our lovely Niece and her Groom are now....hitched!
And after a little...clean up....we returned to the....pasture!

Sadly the day after the wedding we had to say good-bye to a favorite..Uncle. is going to ready when it does.  Our faith in Jesus Christ sustains us.
From the pasture....I pray your life will forever be....blessed!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Ice-ie Pasture

 This ice storm...blind-sided us....We were not prepared!  It started as a  beautiful Sunday morning..and then..wam!!  And then at dark thirty.....the freezing rain hit us!

 Our new arbor has now been initiated!   I will remember this and smile..when our temperature rises up to the...100's!

 Roses that surround the gazebo are....encased in!  Brrrr!

While we do not need snow shoes to get around in the pasture....rain boots are a must!

And at the end of several days...when the storm finally moved on...a decision had to be made. 
  Instead of waiting for the rain to stop and the mud to dry up...the much anticipated pasture wedding will be held in...Plano!   
You just can't find a good pair of rain-boots fit to wear to a!

For all of my..loved ones who are going through a very hard time...I have covered you in...prayer.
From the pasture where there is mud on my rain-boo;ts and prayer in my heart...blessings!.


Sunday, March 2, 2014

It's How We Roll...Out On The Pasture...

 Cow candy....everyday...'

 For a reason unknown to me...calves love smoke.  Every time we build a little fire to clean up in the pasture...they are all over it.  

 Hmmm. smoke?  No!

 Wonderful Son brought his project home to the pasture....I think the plan is to work on it in the...barn!

A little ..Dad and Son time..and in maybe no will be up and running...?

Near the end of the cold season...and in early spring...we get these little white onion ie flowers. ( Probably everyone does )  I  love them!.. Years ago my elementary school teachers would receive a handful of these every day in the spring....from my little theirs!

Mr. Winter...has popped in to growl a hardy."hello."  I'm not scared!

From the pasture...I'm praying your week will be...blessed, dry and warm!