Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Just Figs

 Regarding figs...
You either love them.
Tolerate them...or
Never...eat them.
Me...I love Fig Newton Cookies..

I am Not a fan of raw figs.
They are too mellow.

Love them.

 There are many varieties that grow well here.
I have been told that the smaller ones..are sweeter.
Big or small...I just can't wrap my taste buds around them.

 I decided  ( well...actually I found this idea on a blog )
to roast them...in a slow oven, on low...for several hours.
What could it hurt?

They do not look to good....but...
that mellow tasting juice is now...
reduced to a very sweet...fig newton-ie ...super yummie...
raisin  looking....thing. 

 After the figs cooled..( and after I ate...my share...and maybe sweethearts..share )
I put them in labeled freezer bags..and then in the freezer.
The yummy left in the pans...was.....so good!
I know..there are some things...I should not share..

I found a few tomatoes...hidden in the weeds...in my garden.
Wow...a treat...and just when I'm so full.. of ....figs!

We have been...so blessed.
God's provisions are new...everyday.
From the pasture...blessings..and figs!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Houdini....and Other Pasture Things..

When nothing in your garden will grow but zinnias....
And eating them is out of the question...
You take pictures of them!
Smile ...for the camera...again!

 This beauty saw me taking my...zinnia pictures...
Her name is...Houdini...
She called out for me to...come on over.

 On my way over to ...take Houdini's picture...I saw ..this.
It is some kind of water fowl.
Have I ever mentioned besides zinnias, and cows and other ..farm stuff that I also like...

 "No"...Take my picture...not the bird.

 Side view...
She uses Oil of Moo-Lay to keep her neck firm...
( It works as well for her...as it does for...me! )

 Front view..
Some of us girls...are just so photo-genic!
Got to love those...ears!

Enough ..cow pictures...for today.

Our VBS... was ..wonderful!   
Little and big children alike...Learned of Jesus and His love for us.
I hope..you have a place to worship this week...
From the pasture...where my camera is on...duty..

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Rocking along..

 For a while...almost every afternoon...
Looks like my kitchen window..is at the car-wash!

We hauled another load of calves to the sale...
The Moma's of the calves that have been taken to the sale.. line up and ....look.
They will look and..cry for about three days...before they settle down.
Yes....it is very sad.

 Dried Kale.
I have been drying and saving my own vegetable seed..for years.  Its fun and..rewarding!
Just put the dried stock in a paper bag and...

 Viola ...
Little tiny seeds...ready to plant!

 Passion flower...grows everywhere...around here.

 Passion Fruit...grows on the fence...
You don't have to plant this stuff...it just appears...everywhere.
Cows, deer, squirrel, crows...nothing will eat it...Go figure!

A waddle fence..of sorts!
Enter the kiddos play hut in the bamboo!

 Ole Loyal....he's a keeper!

We are enjoying Vacation Bible School at our little country church this week.
The little ones...bless my heart!
They are so eager to learn of Jesus and it so important that they learn He is the Messiah.
Sending you...pasture blessings!

Pray for Israel.

Thursday, July 17, 2014


 Every once in a blue moon....someone ( me ) forgets to pick up the chicken feed.
Not to fear...I'll just whip up a batch of from scratch..cornbread!  And just for good measure..I'll throw the egg shell into the batter!   The girl chicks...love a little crunch ..early in the morning!

 And for my breakfast...maybe an omelet...
Na...not in the mood..

 One of my dear friends suggested I start drinking smoothies for breakfast.
She said to freeze a banana ... hmmmm...I guess I should have peeled it first..
I had to whittle..the peel off...(stuck on banana peel.....omelet...hmm..)

 Throw the now unrecognizable banana pieces into the blender with a handful of frozen blueberries...

 A cup or two of cold coconut milk...
Add a tablespoon ..or two of milled flax seed.

 If your so inclined throw a few ice cubes into the blender..
Then...crank her up..and ...viola!

Note.. I tried a few ice cubes..and my smoothie was no longer..smooth.

This tasted..so good!  And now I feel so...healthy!

 Speaking of healthy...Mr. Tomato Horn Worm.. came to my garden..to find some...health..
After he had his fill....
I introduced him to my...shoe..

In our crazy.- mixed up - up-side down world...
I've got you in my prayers.
From the pasture.morning blessings to you!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Working Days...

 All good cattleman...and women...like their fresh..peas!
While my garden...played out before it ever really got started..we have friends..and family who generously share their bounty!
A good mess of peas like this can only mean one thing...
Purple fingers..at the end of the day!

 Now we are talking...
And yes...the fingers are...purple!

 Ye-haw...and yip-e-yi-aye....
Calves will be taken to the sale...today!
(Well...those that we can load will go...)

 The saints...and the sinners.
Ready to...load!

 And here is the chief sinner...checking out the...cow-candy!

 Some problems are like clock work....
Hauling calves...and flat trailer tires...they just go together!

A good send off bark as we pull away..

Just for good measure..of course

Three days after the sale and....finally the moma's and their mister have calmed down.
They have to endure this sadness every year.
Sure glad I am not a ....cow.
Life is sometimes hard and sometimes...very sad...but good news...
There will be joy ..in the morning!
God...is so good!
  From the pasture...where there the cow count is...a little lower..

Thursday, July 10, 2014

A Regular Day...

 Fog rolls in...

 Fog rolls out...
Happens almost every morning!

 Surprise!...A slow traveler...checking out our....trail!

 Hey there....I see you!
This little guy had a bit of  a bladder problem....ewwwww....

 A very large.. rose leaf eating....grasshopper....on the steps at...my beautiful Moma's house..
( On his way to check out another ...rose.)
No thank-you...we don't need your kind..around here...

 On the Road Again.....
Oh Mr. Donkey...you are in trouble....again...

 Come on Mr. Donkey...living in the pasture can't be all that..bad...
I see someone gave you some....watermelon...

Turtles, grasshoppers, and ...a run-a-way Donkey....
Yea....another normal day...
From the pasture...praying God's blessings for you.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Celebrating...And Remembering..

 After all our flag has been through...We thank God that it still stands for....freedom!

 Sweetheart and I...along with our family remembered the 4th....
Eating..of course...
Iced down watermelon...raised by brother-n-law and sis!

 Oh yea...this ones a keeper....slice 'er up!

 In our little community..the 4th is celebrated...in good ole..American style.
A car show ....
A pet parade...
A spectacular..Fireworks Show!
Load..up...Family...We are going to..town!

The fireworks start right after the sun goes down...
We waited patiently....
The sun-set proved to be....awesome!

You can't help but feel patriotic ...when  the song, God Bless The U.S.A.
plays loudly on the sound system and...
The sky is lit up with...this!
Goosebumps...all over!

Back home...in the pasture....
We enjoy....

Today...we remember my Dad...and Sweethearts..Moma.
I know heaven is a beautiful place....because they are there.
From the pasture...blessings of...freedom!