Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Because....you nver know...

Just when I was sure...spring was around the next bend...
Mr. Winter came back for an..encore!

Well hay there.....
Are you having one of those..days?
Why don't you invite your friends to...climb up there with you?
What ..you say this hay ring is broke?

 I never know what will show up in the pasture...
Can you see what I see?
It is a pheasant!

She has been hanging out around our home for a couple of weeks now.
I don't see her everyday...just every now and...then!

 Looking our of the window at my art table...
Some of the girl cows are checking out.....the pasture in front of our home!

Kitties are hard to draw.
They want sit still ...
Our Kitty...Barn Kitty...moved away.
I guess she was tired of living at the...barn.

Its cold here....and the weather man says we can expect more.
I have seeds waiting to be planted...just a few more weeks...
From the pasture where the cows are acting like...cows
Blessings to you this week.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Nature , Life and....Goals

 A few pastures down....live these beautiful horses.   However...this picture is not of the horses...
If you look close you can see a water fowl.  I stopped the car....It would have been the best shot...
But by the time I found my phone ...She turned away and gave me her....back.
I'm sure it is a she.  Far to pretty to be a ....he!

 This winter has been cold....
Our firewood stack has dwindled.
The pasture has a good supply of ...firewood...just waiting to be...cut and...split!
Sweetheart..is a good....cutter and...splitter!  (And stacker, and toter....and fire starter!)
( Just some of the many reasons why I'm still crazy about him....after all these years!)

 Valentines Day in the pasture was....sweet!

 Daffodils are coming up all over the place.
This is an old variety....I believe they came from my Grandmothers place.
They can survive here because the cows do not like them!

 My garden.
There are a few more of these cabbages.
There is a row of mustard greens.  (Mixed with a little grass of course.)
I recently purchased some strawberry plants....My plans are to plant them in a raised bed.
Hopefully they will get planted!

I have many goals.
Writing this blog is one of them.
Lately playing with my paints...appears to override my goals...
Hopefully as spring brings fourth new leaves on the trees...I'll be able to turn over a new leaf or two for myself!
From our pasture...where spring is right around the corner...(I hope)
Thank you....for taking time to read this little blog.
God's wonderful blessings to you!

Sunday, January 25, 2015


Life....wonderful life.
Time.....Moments in our wonderful lives.
Take time....to enjoy the moments.

I have been using my moments to .....play.

Winters bounty....
What can you make with Kumquats?
Kumquat Marmalade!

This time of year brings....the new ones.
I love to watch them....
They don't mind that I stand and stare.
They make me...smile.

Winter has been cold this year.
And wet.
Look what I found ....just hanging around.

If it is not running....
I paint it!

Praying your new year is....full of wonderful
From out pasture....
Rich Blessings....to you!