Monday, March 4, 2013

A-wall. .again!!

     Saturday was to be a day of celebrating our youngest daughters birthday.  However the cows decided to celebrate it next door again.  Because my Sweetheart had to work on Saturday, he called up "Mr. Good Pasture" and made arrangements for us to bring home the ole girls and the big daddy bull on Sunday after church.  They (meaning wandering cows) decided not to come when Sweetheart did his cattle call yell.  In fact they (meaning ...annoying and thoughtless cows) decided to hide!!!!

Sweetheart and I drove the mule around "Mr. Good Pastures" place.. it is just so beautiful!  I now understand why the ole girls and Big Daddy Bull want to be here. While we were on our hunt, we came across about 25 other trespassing varments...(Ferrol Hogs)!  When I saw them I yelled out a Ye-Haw real loud hoping to run them off. They all took off running.. over to our pasture of course. "NOooo not that way... too late."  We drove on and as we came around the next bend, there was the gang...  all together just mowing away at this beautiful pasture.

 This place is so cross fenced that we knew it would be hard to herd them with the mule. (When I say hard I mean impossible.) 
We came across one gal standing alone.  I've seen that look before and knew she had a calf.  We drove over to her and gave her a few cubes and tried to find the new calf. It didnt take me long to find her baby... in the creek.  Somehow the calf had fallen down the steep embankment and couldnt get back up. 

After much help showed up (meaning my only son, his best friend, Mr. Good Pasture and good pastures son) the calf was toted back up the embankment.  But for some reason the ole moma cow went shopping or something....she was no where to be found.  Why oh why?!? Seriously I believe my Daddy was right when he said that a cows brain is about as big as a peanut.  After a full day of more similar situations, the ole moma was reunited with her new calf on her home turf, along with the rest of the girls amd the big bull.   My Nanny used to call it cow punching when she and my Grandad would round up the cows.  Let me tell you..I would have LOVED to punch a few cows Sunday!  If they pull this trick again... I just might!


  1. you won't let me punch a cow ..... but you will...ha ha..???? Poppie

  2. I have wanted to punch a cow or two before also! :) - Lindsay P
