The weather man said it was going to be a beautiful Sweetheart and I thought a picnic might be fun! We called the family...(and the work began...) Sweetheart went right out and put together a table. He's so good that way! The cows looked on...
Everyone was here ( well not in this picture) and so was the wind! And what picnic would be complete without bugs? We had bugs and not just any bug...we had the Love Bugs come to our picnic! The wind helped a little with them. My eight year old Grand ask me why they are called Love Bugs. Uhhh...uhhh...well uhhh... its because they love everyone. Yes they just love everyone. Says my Grand..."well I don't love them."
Our kiddos thought ice cream would be nice. It was! I told them where to find our tried and true recipe that we have used for years. (My Momma gave me this recipe early in our marriage.) They tweaked it a tad and it was still good!
Sweet Aunt and Uncle live across the road from us. It really is a beautiful place to visit. We sat out on their porch and talked about the ole squash bug and how to get rid of it. Seems soapy water will do the trick! When I got up to leave Sweet Uncle went and picked me this very fragrant Gardenia blossom. I put it up in my kitchen and the whole room smells wonderful. I've been told that my Grandmaw had a Gardenia bush that always looked beautiful. Gardenia's often get that black yucky stuff on their leaves. They say my Grandmaw would throw her dirty dishwater on the bush after cleaning her kitchen. Guess that soap was all it needed to keep it nice! Someday I think I'll get me a Gardenia bush and every few days I'll throw some old soapy dishwater on it...
Thank you for visiting!
From the bugs and blessings to you!
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