Friday, June 28, 2013

New sights

Brother and I went  to haul more hay home for winter.  This is an old cistern where a home once stood.  The Crep Myrtles are amazing.  The home has been gone a long time and yet...its still so beautiful.

This private drive ambered through very tall timbers.  So quiet, I almost feel bad driving through and disturbing this peace.

Its another very old home place.  Notice this log barn.  This is how barns in this area looked years ago.  There still are a few of them left.  Such history....if these logs could talk....

More peacefulness.  I had to walk out and check it out.  It was VERY hot...but yes..beautiful.  I found out this lake was dug a while back and its 18 feet deep in the middle...No small fish pond here.

But the most amazing part is...the water is clear.   Yep, I could  hardly believe it...I was so hot I really wanted to jump in but then I repeated out loud...18 feet.  I declined the jump thought.  If you read my first posting you might recall that I swim like a turtle...And turtles really need to stay in not so deep water!
Not only is the place awesome but the hay we picked up was too.  Really large bales.  Yahoo!  Big bales take longer for the ole girls to eat in the cold winter...(we get cold putting that hay out) Brother could only haul 3 at a time on this flat  it took many trips.  But that was ok...the place is really nice to look at and its really close to home!

Rain boots waiting for duty....and Loyal Companion revoir!  Well really he just said arf...but I just wanted to show you that I'm still working on my Texas French!
Blessings to you and please stay hydrated and cool....this Texas heat is some hot stuff!  Sweetheart and I will be in church on Sunday hope you will too!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Donkey's in the doghouse!

Beautiful!  It's called the Super Moon.  Created to light our night!
I went out onto the porch early...and took in this sight.  The full moon had all the girls soaking in it's rays!
And then I saw...the innocent...NOT
It seems he spent his full moon jumping around in my flower-bed.  Is he he ashamed...HE SHOULD BE.  My blooming flowers that grace my front porch...are hanging on for dear life.  Some can't even hang on because they have been stomped on so many times there is nothing left of them.
I knew that we had this ugly wire fence in the barn.  I got it out and drug it to the house.  Now its leaning around what's left of my flowers.  It's a great look...real cottage-y.  Probably Country Living Magazine will get a glimpse of it and want to showcase my flower garden.....NOT.  

This chicken heard what the donkey did.....(she's shocked, can you tell?)
Blessings to you...from the pasture...and the donkey that's in the dog-house!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Double Dipper!

Our house sits in a pasture.  I like to get up early...and on this early morning I went out on my porch just to enjoy the scenery.  I love it when I get to see the girl cows as they began their day.  After they get up ...they will feed their young before heading off for some water.  This cow had a little something extra going on!  I went in and got my phone so I could capture the moment!

One of these calves is double dipping!  Meaning she has found her another spicket to get her a little refreshment!  When the cow noticed me (see she's looking at me) she ran the little thief off!

She decided to come check me out!  (Ok...she's a very inquisitive creature...and I tend to make pets out of the ones we plan to keep, so she wasn't surprised at me...and I wasn't surprised at her walkinig up to check me out.)

Got Milk!  (Look she has milk all over her nose!)
Its even in her nose...ewwww

Going for the cell phone camera...I suggested that she go find her Momma!
If its not obvious...I love living here with the cows and all the other creatures that live on our farm!
Sweetheart and I are so blessed.  We hope you are too!
Blessings......from the cows..and me!

Monday, June 17, 2013

My Daddy

I had the best Dad in the world.  He could do Anything!  Thats me on the right and on the far left you can see half of my older brother.  Baby sis is standing with Dad.  We all adored Daddy.  (Daddy treated Momma like a queen...) 

We were living in Houston when this picture was taken...but in just a few months we would be moving to the country to our new house.   Dad said the city was no place to raise a family.  I never worried about us.  Dad (and of course Momma) took care of us.  They saw to it that we all learned to work and get along in the process.  If ever three kids loved their was us.  Someday.....I want to write about his wonderful life.  We were blessed to have him with us for a long time...but not long enough.  He died at a very young 81.  He never acted old....because he never was!  He loved life...he loved his family.  Do I miss him........................everyday.
Here is a good shot of my brother.  Yea I was sitting next to Dad on the other side and Momma cut me out this time!
Blessings to all Daddy's............from the pasture.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Flag Day!

Hurray for the Red, White, and Blue! 
This morning in a small Texas community, the Flag committee,  aka as very proud Americans, were out displaying...proudly the American Flag.  Gave me the biggest goose bumps to see all along the highway flag after flag waving so proud and free in the wind. I love this country.  I can understand those who would give their lives to defend her.  I would....hope you would too!

Its a squash bloom.  I get up early (most of the time) and go outside and check the garden.  Real farm-girl you know!  Anyway I took my camera on this morning and caught a bee doing the other thing that bees do...pollinating!  Did you know that wasp also pollinate...they do!  God is so awesome...He thought of all the details.  I'm grateful....because I love squash!

 The berries in Sweet Aunt and Uncle's garden are still producing.  They invited me to pick berries again. (ya for me!)  They are bigger and sweeter than when I picked the last time!  When I left their garden I had some very purple lips...ummm they are sooo good!

 Loyal Companion sends you greetings!  He doesn't like squash or we get along real good!

Sweetheart and I will be in church on Sunday.  Hope you have a place of worship as well!
Blessings to you ... from the pasture!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Yes, I made up that word, (random-ness) but  I think it will fit this post!  I dearly love these hydrangea plants.  They are my favorite, right up there with antique roses!  If I could only have two flowering plants, they would be antique roses and hydrangeas.  If I could only have one.....hmmm...not sure.

Every now and then something strange happens at the farm.  I went to gather eggs and wa-la look at the size of this egg.  I think it could pass for a goose egg!  All of the girl chicks were walking I guess it didn't hurt too bad!

 Total random shot!  This is Buttercup, aka cow with white patch on head.  She was just enjoying dinner...or maybe she would call it supper...what would you call a meal that last all day?  She wanted me to tell you...moo-low.  (Cow for hello)  I spoke some of my french to her...I said Je t'aime...she just stared at me....with grass hanging out of her mouth...

 This rose is called "Belinda's Dream".  I have it planted beside my front porch.  When I was very young, my neighbor and friend was named Belinda.  We played together often.  While in the third grade, we decided to perform for our music class.  We plotted and planned for days. We decided to lip sync "These Boots Are Made For Walking."  We wore polka dotted dresses (our great Moma's made these for us) and of course boots!  She had white go-go boots.  I didn't have any so...I  wore a pair of my brothers cowboy boots.  Not exactly go-go style...but you do what you have to do! Fountain ink pens served as our micro-phones. I can remember this like it was yesterday...I know everybody enjoyed our performance ... I remember them smiling through the entire song! This rose serves as my memory jogger!  When it blooms...I think of Belinda and sweet (and funny) memories return! 

 Here is Big Daddy bull.  I wish I knew what he was thinking.  Hmm..maybe not. I'm pretty sure he only has one thing on his all times!

 Here are my newest little babies.  I soaked some okra seeds a few days back...planted them...God sent a wonderful rain...and  ta-da!  Okra.  My Dad taught me so much about gardening.  I wish I could remember every thing...

Like I random-ness.  I hope you have one of those wonderful memory maker weeks. 
Please pray for our president....he needs it.
From the pasture where random things happen daily...blessings to you!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Staying Busy...

While out walking (with the camera) I came across these.  They are called Purple Cone Flowers aka. Echinacea!   And yes I really love these
I found some okra seeds that I had saved last year.  They originated from okra that my Dad had raised several years ago.  I just forgot about them, so I've been soaking them in a little water for several days and maybe tomorrow I will plant them.  I know its late but actually okra love the here's hoping that they grow and produce!  I love the idea behind seed savers.  Saving seeds to pass on down to the next generation! 
It's crazy, I know but I often will save the flower heads from flowers that I pick or receive.  These were my Mother's Day roses and they are drying to be the most awesome color.  Its kind of a tea dyed color and I really love it!  I'll put them in that box where I put the other dried wild flowers and then in the late summer I'll get them out ( and probably throw them out)  and hopefully find something to do with them besides just look at them.  Maybe some potpourri!  So I guess this story will be continued...

 I'm learning French!!!  OK I know that these words are not spelled correctly in French but if I spell them correctly I can't pronounce them.  OOO la la my French has a Texas spin to it!  Sweetheart can speak Texas French too!

 I came across an embroidery picture that my little sis did for out Grandmother so many years ago.  (She was just a little tyke when she made the picture for a gift)  I have the picture now and it was in great need of a cleaning so..... I took it off the mounting board that she had put it on and....look what I found underneath!   It was like finding a Picasso!  (Well it was exciting none the least)  I imagine this is no less than 35 years old .  She was repurposing before it was cool....
The Fig Tree is making Figs!  In a few weeks I'll be making Fig preserves! 
Sometimes when I'm out in the garden....I miss some of the produce...I missed this bad boy!   It looks like a does if you blur your eyes!  I don't know what to do with it other than show you and then compost it.  Seems a waste but what do you do when they get this big? 
I hope you are having a good week.  We have had plenty of rain and everything is growing great.  Pasture is beautiful, cows are fat and sassy,  the girl chicks are doing what they are suppose to do...lots of eggs!  And the dogs bark just to hear how they sound!  
From the busy farm... and pasture...blessings!