While out walking (with the camera) I came across these. They are called Purple Cone Flowers aka. Echinacea! And yes I really love these
I found some okra seeds that I had saved last year. They originated from okra that my Dad had raised several years ago. I just forgot about them, so I've been soaking them in a little water for several days and maybe tomorrow I will plant them. I know its late but actually okra love the heat...so here's hoping that they grow and produce! I love the idea behind seed savers. Saving seeds to pass on down to the next generation!
It's crazy, I know but I often will save the flower heads from flowers that I pick or receive. These were my Mother's Day roses and they are drying to be the most awesome color. Its kind of a tea dyed color and I really love it! I'll put them in that box where I put the other dried wild flowers and then in the late summer I'll get them out ( and probably throw them out) and hopefully find something to do with them besides just look at them. Maybe some potpourri! So I guess this story will be continued...
I'm learning French!!! OK I know that these words are not spelled correctly in French but if I spell them correctly I can't pronounce them. OOO la la my French has a Texas spin to it! Sweetheart can speak Texas French too!
I came across an embroidery picture that my little sis did for out Grandmother so many years ago. (She was just a little tyke when she made the picture for a gift) I have the picture now and it was in great need of a cleaning so..... I took it off the mounting board that she had put it on and....look what I found underneath! It was like finding a Picasso! (Well it was exciting none the least) I imagine this is no less than 35 years old . She was repurposing before it was cool....
The Fig Tree is making Figs! In a few weeks I'll be making Fig preserves!
Sometimes when I'm out in the garden....I miss some of the produce...I missed this bad boy! It looks like a watermelon...it does if you blur your eyes! I don't know what to do with it other than show you and then compost it. Seems a waste but what do you do when they get this big?
I hope you are having a good week. We have had plenty of rain and everything is growing great. Pasture is beautiful, cows are fat and sassy, the girl chicks are doing what they are suppose to do...lots of eggs! And the dogs bark just to hear how they sound!
From the busy farm... and pasture...blessings!
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