Sunday, July 21, 2013

Vacation Bible School

Every summer the beaches become crowded with tourists and locals alike and every summer most of the churches in our country will host a Vacation Bible School.   

This week the sweet country church where Sweetheart and I attend will host theirs.  Every child is so special and it so important that they learn this while they are young.  I will be working on the Mission Team. 

The children will come and sit and my team will put on a puppet show that will explain how missionaries go where the people are that need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. ( Because I have never worked with a puppet  before....I'm a little apprehensive....sometimes I get tickled and well...I'm going to try to be very serious.)

This is my family (not the birds) during our Florida trip last year.  I hope the kiddos at VBS will be as anxious for what we will share with them as these gulls were for this bread!

 Is this not precious?  I get to share Jesus with little ones (and bigger ones too) just like him.  This is my adorable Grand-Son.   Sweetheart and I are......crazy in love with our grands!  You know as much as we love them....God loves them even more!  Wow, think on that..

Treasures ... to be remembered forever!  Time spent with the ones we love is so precious.  The children that will attend VBS this year will make memories that they will remember when they are old!

 A walk along the beach just sharing time together.  We will do a lot of  sharing and listening at VBS.  When our kiddos have questions....we have to have the answers!

Well, I've shared some of our vacation pictures with you, while  telling you about some memory making VBS time.  I have VBS memories...I hope you do to! 
Have a blessed week and say a special prayer for all of the little ones who have and will attend VBS this summer!   From behind a puppet stand....this week....blessings to you!

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