Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Cattle Drive....


 Sweetheart went out early and did his cattle call....(the girls and their calves come running when they hear Sweetheart calling them....they love him!)  Sweetheart gives them....cow- candy!
They come right on in the lot....well most of them do!

 After we have a load of calves penned.... they have to be loaded into the trailer.  Sometimes they just hop right on in there....sometimes they don't....When they don't...the cowboys (and girls) starts to hoot and holler and make all kinds of racket...they think we have lost our minds and proceed to load....well sometimes they do!  I have never seen this acted out on any western movie, but it is the way we have always done it.  I don't think we are abnormal....but others might!

 Barn Kitty decides she will watch from a distance....she wants to make sure she doesn't wind up in that trailer!

 The calves are loaded and ready to make the trip to the sale.  The ride could get a little bumpy..hold on!

Time for the girls to head back out to the pasture.
 Sweetheart will take them some cow-candy later in the day. 
  He's good that way!
From the pasture where you can get cow-candy....if you are a cow....Blessings to you!

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