Thursday, May 15, 2014


 Mr. Donkey must have..E.S.P.  .....
How he heard that a project was in the making is a mystery to me...but he witness what ever it is that...I have dreamed up!

 On one of the rainy days..that we recently had...I found a little fabric dyeing project.
The instructions called for...white cotton.  I have already cut a small  piece from this piece....

 For the avocado pit and skin.  The good stuff can snack on....
Clean off the good stuff from the skin.  (I washed mine in the sink.)
Next take a hammer to the pit.  Don't smash it too will just roll..
Gather all of the washed pieces of skin and what ever you were able to smash with the hammer.
Put in a pot...and add water.

 Drop your fabric in the pot and bring to a boil.  I stirred the fabric with a wooden.spoon.
Then I turned off the burner and left it.

 I woke up to this beautiful fading...moon.
Thank-you Heavenly Father....I needed this to start my day!

 I took the now dyed fabric and carefully draped it across the garden gate.
Avocados lend a pinkish hue to fabric.....Who knew!!

Loyal worked right along beside me....unlike Mr. Donkey.
He brought out one of his buried horns...just in case I forget that he is a real....
From our green pasture where we are so grateful for the rain...

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