Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The rains came

The beautiful spring weather disappeared when the rain came...and the cold weather moved back in. 
The photo shots of the weeds did not show up on yesterdays post.  I will try again to get them up.  The weather did not upset the weeds. Our cows like the pretty flowers.  I know this is why they visit Mr. Good Neighbor's pasture.  He doesn't have any flowers!  (I don't like chemicals, so we have weed flowers.)

This is the first Iris to bloom this spring in this very old established bed of Irises.  These must have been planted by my great aunt.  This was her land before my parents bought it over 30 years ago.  In a few days this bed will be ablaze in beautiful blue flowers. 

Here is my loyal friend.  Today he could sense that my mood was ... crummy.  (Cold weather does it to me)  He jumped around, barked at me, did everything he could to cheer me up... I got this picture of him trying to lift my spirits.  When I saw it on the camera,  I laughed .  He managed to pull me out of that meanie mood.  ...good dog!

Blessings to all.  Life really is good!


  1. Youre getting pretty good at this picture taking stuff!!

  2. I've been in a crummy mood myself. Seems everything I try to cheer myself up fails. Not comfort food, not good music, not a walk outside. I want to shake it off like a wet dog but nothing seems to help.

    Blessings from afar...
