Friday, May 31, 2013

Harvest Time

Well the girl chicks have been busy lately.  However today...not so busy!  This afternoon I went to feed and retrieve the bounty only to discover...not so much bounty.  Only 5!  Guess I'll have to have a little talk with the girls...there is a piece of leftover fried chicken I'll bring to back up my little talk...
Squash plants are producing!  While Sweetheart doesn't eat the golden vegetable, I do!  It is one of my favorites!  There are a few little cherry tomatoes to go along with the golden stuff..ummm!!!  All I need to do is make a skillet of cornbread!

The girls harvested this garlic and hung it on Mamma's clothesline.  We look like real pioneers out here!  I guess pioneers ate garlic, not really sure!  These will make some winter dishes really good!

This is what I like to look at in the morning.  The girls don't always come for a morning drink here, but when they do ... I have to say Thank-you Lord.  Its a peaceful blessing to see their calmness.  They are not worried about...anything!   My not worry. 

I hope you have the opportunity to worship in church this weekend.  Sweetheart and I plan too.
May your weekend be great..
Blessings from all the farm critters,  and me!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Memorial Day Picnic

The weather man said it was going to be a beautiful Sweetheart and I thought a picnic might be fun!  We called the family...(and the work began...)  Sweetheart went right out and put together a table.  He's so good that way!  The cows looked on...
Everyone was here ( well not in this picture) and so was the wind!  And what picnic would be complete without bugs?  We had bugs and not just any bug...we had the Love Bugs come to our picnic!  The wind helped a little with them.  My eight year old Grand ask me why they are called  Love Bugs.   Uhhh...uhhh...well uhhh... its because they love everyone.  Yes they  just love everyone.  Says my Grand..."well I don't love them."
Our kiddos thought ice cream would be nice.  It was!  I told them where to find our tried and true recipe that we have used for years.  (My Momma gave me this recipe early in our marriage.)  They tweaked it a tad and it was still good! 
Yesterday I took my Sweet Aunt and Uncle some eggs.  They sent me home with these delicious Black Berries.  I think I got the better end of that deal!  Sweet Uncle has Berries growing in his garden.  He can grow anything!  I think it is because he is so good to his plants.  He loves them and they love him back!
 Sweet Aunt and Uncle live across the road from us.  It really is a beautiful place to visit.  We sat out on their porch and  talked about the ole squash bug and how to get rid of it.  Seems soapy water will do the trick!  When I got up to leave Sweet Uncle went and picked me this very fragrant Gardenia blossom.  I put it up in my kitchen and the whole room smells wonderful.  I've been told that my Grandmaw had a Gardenia bush that always looked beautiful.  Gardenia's often get that black yucky stuff on their leaves.  They say my Grandmaw would throw her dirty dishwater on the bush after cleaning her kitchen.  Guess that soap was all it needed to keep it nice!  Someday I think I'll get me a Gardenia bush and every few days I'll throw some old soapy dishwater on it...

Thank you for visiting!
From the bugs and blessings to you!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Thank you

O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loves,
And mercy more than life.
America, America, May God thy gold re-fine
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain divine.
                                                                               Third stanza of AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL
                                                                                                    By Katherine Lee Bates

I am so grateful for men and women who love America enough to lay down their lives for her.  To the families of our fallen heroes,  Thank you.  I am one of many Americans who are grateful for their sacrifice.

My Dad loved this country.  He served during WW II.  He will always be my hero.

Sweetheart and I worshipped  in church this morning.  O how I love the freedom that we have.  Never, never take it for granted.

May God bless America, today and forever.
Blessings to you from the pasture...


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Farm Days

Girl chicks and the two misters are enjoying life.  I brought them some lettuce and tomato scrapes and they tore it up.  Guess they like a salad as much as I do!
  Look what I found hiding in the garden!  In another day or two someone will be eating some fresh tomatoes!

 Loyal companion posed for a quick picture.  He said to tell you that there is a squirrel in this tree with his name on it! 
 This is a small growth of kale that came up volunteer in  an  old garden spot that we do not use anymore.  The background weeds are also volunteers.  In fact we have weed volunteers everywhere!. 
 Girl Power!! Instead of a gun she used an ax and instead of a deer...she got a stump!  The riding lawn mower said it would sleep better tonight knowing it will never have to run over it again!

Day Lillies!  I love them, but then I love all flowers!

 Still cleaning up the trees that the drought killed.  This was a very big old  pine tree.
                                                    Roses, love these too!
We never stop learning and today I learned not to put the microwave popcorn in the micro. and leave the kitchen...
I think I discovered a new way to make tar!
Blessings to all who read this rambling blog...
From the pasture...where something is always happening...May the Lord bless you.

Monday, May 20, 2013


Sunday night my Grands  (the girls) were in a Children's Program at church.  There's just something extra special about watching those kiddos on the stage.  Some put their heart and soul into it, some stare out into the audience, waving when they see a familiar face, others dance little jigs during the music, and every now and then a little one will just come down off that stage for a little chat with their Momma!  Pure enjoyment!  The preacher commented after the performance how special these events are because not only do the kiddos learn biblical truths, but they also find their voices.  They develop the ability to share what they know about the Lord to others!

I noticed that when summer hit today at about noon that the girls (cow variety)  were all hanging out under the Pecan Trees that grow in the pasture.  Guess its a little cooler under that big canopy of trees.  Its beautiful under there too, one of my favorites spots on the place!

I did undertake a little project today.  I decided to recover this very old bench that my Momma gave me.  I used this in my room when I was little.  It really needed a redo.  I didn't take a before picture but if you can was....ugly.  I haven't figured out how to re-do anything harder than a cushion.  I bought a" how to reupholster"  book a while back because I thought I would re-do this old chair.  It said it was So easy...It wasn't.  After I tore all the hide off of it I couldn't figure how to "re-hide"  it so now I just hide it!  It's up in my someday sewing room, along with many other projects that claimed to be Easy....Someday I'll probably get rid of that stuff...but not the chair.  I noticed that in the Restoration Hardware catalog that de-hided furniture is all the rage...who knew!

Oklahoma, my heart grieves as I hear your news.  My prayers are with you and for you.  God, please be with and help this devastated state.

From the pasture....I'm praying.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Well ... life is still the happening thing ...out here in the pasture!  My techno support has been very busy my blogs may be few and far between....sorry!  Someday I will figure out all the ins and outs of all things computer....well, maybe.
The girl chickens have been very busy lately.  I'm giving away eggs everywhere I go!   
A dear friend found us some hay ...we are very grateful.  We were caught in 20ll with a hay shortage due to the drought....we don't ever want that to happen again.
Our good Son came out to help with the job.  We believe we have the best kiddos.  When we need help...they come running!  They are truly a blessing to us!
This creature came to visit my Momma.  She called for me to come over and try to know ...take care of it.   Great Son was in the pasture mowing...I called and ..yes he came running.  It was a Water Moccasin.  They give me the creeps.  The kiddos hung it on the fence.  Dad always said if you would hang up a dead snake...belly up, it would rain.  We really needed a rain.  Doesn't always rain but it did this time!   Kind of a silly thing to do...but it makes life fun to do silly things...sometimes!
I had a wonderful Mothers Day.  Anytime the family is all's just going to be a great day for me!  I am surrounded by goodness and I am so very grateful.  I enjoy spending time with my Momma just about every day.  She is so creative.  I've never heard her say this but I believe her motto for life must be to learn something new at every opportunity.  She has so many skills and talents.   Someday....maybe I'll learn as much as she has!  I love her So much!
I love it when my Grands come up!  They play non-stop.  When they left I found these little guys hanging out on one of my benches.  Had to leave them there for just a little makes me smile every time I look at them!
My life is good and I am so grateful.  Please don't think I never have a bad day...I do. I have found that when those bad days come, the best thing I can do is pray....God hears every time  and He knows what I need when I don't have a clue. 
I pray...that you know Christ Jesus...He's waiting for you to call to Him...
Blessings from the beautiful and wet pasture!

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Dreams are still coming true!  Early Tuesday morning in the wee hours, the doors opened for the first time for Perry Hill Bakery.  Located in the front of  the Daughters sweet home, in the kitchen area, baked goods are flying out of the oven and into the display containers.  From there the locals are snatching them up!

With a can do spirit and lots of prayer this Daughter and Mother bakery vision has materialized! 
My hats off to two of my very special and beautiful friends!

From the pasture or the bakery...blessings!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Another Day....

Oh the things you can do with bamboo...Are you impressed?  My oldest Grand made it for me.  If you could look really would see that it has  my heart in it!  They came up this weekend and we went to the Folk Festival.  That was fun, however the frontier guys were having way too much fun booming there cannon. (Think very loud explosion...picture me jumping every time it went off...)

We were not tired enough after the Folk Festival so we all went over to the "Airing of the Quilts."  This event takes place in our little town every other year.  It really has the wow factor!  Quilts hang on the court house and all around the square. 

Sweetheart and I went to church on Sunday.  Wonderful service! We went to one of our Grands birthday after the service.  A swim party...and it was so cold.  Thank goodness for heated pools! 

I love my family.  Sweetheart and I are So blessed.  Sometimes I wish I could slow time down.  The kiddos are growing so fast and we don't want to miss one moment with them.

Blessings from my heart...way out here in the pasture!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Spring, where art thou?

It was spring yesterday, then about midnight winter came again. They forcast spring again for tomorrow. Summer will probably show its face next week... we'll see.

I think I'm a hoarder... A hoarder of flowers. Actually I'm drying out some spring wildflowers... and a few roses too. When summer shows up the heat (fire) will burn them up... This way, I'll be able to enjoy them a little while longer. It's easy pull them or cut them; lay them out where the sun will dry them.. and wa-la! In just a few days they'll be crispy! Put them in a container and enjoy! The smell is pretty nice too!
The squash are enjoying the weather.  No little squash yet but maybe when things "warm up" a bit!
**Note: This picture was cropped... there might be a few blades of grass in my garden... ok quite a few blades.

I'm looking forward to the weekend.  My Grand kiddos are coming up and we are going to check out some of the festivals going on...should be fun!

Loyal companion and I were playing the "I love you" game... He said "I love you" and I told him "I loved him more!" This went on till I walked off. He's still standing there....

From the pasture...blessings.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Red Letter Day!

Our beautiful weather continued on today!  I went out early this morning and watered my thirsty garden.  She was grateful....gulp..gulp.

I went to check and feed my girl chicks and wa-la one of the girls had already been to work!  One egg!  This evening I went to give them their evening meal and wa-hoo...there were seven eggs! 

The chicks also had a visitor....the long slithery kind of visitor.   They were not bothered by him so I guess he has visited before!  I did a really loud scream...SNAKE.!   My rescuers came running and now the snake is no more!

 Saturday morning Sweetheart took me to a tag sale that a group was having to raise money for missions.  I love little sales like that.  I found these vintage hankies! They were starched and just...perfect. 

Then I spotted the books.  I really love old books and what did they have in that book box?   Old Books!  I also love books about our Christian faith.  I found one that I had just recently said that I was interested in!  Red letter day! 
I so hope that if you haven't had a "red letter" day in a while, that you will...and soon!

Blessings from my heart to yours...out here in the pasture!